Leadership Liftoff: How to Get Results You Want In Your Organization
What does leadership have to do with outer space? Let’s hold that thought for a while.
How are you doing as a leader in your business? (If you have questions regarding leadership in large organizations, click here)
I’ll bet that in times like these, you’re probably having a crazy flurry of change that you need to adapt to, whether you want it or not (they call this VUCA). What’s more is that your ability to muster energy to bring effective change as a leader depends pretty much on the level of your own personal “well-being hygiene“.

If you think about “hygiene”, it really is about self-care (and I’m not just referring to whether or not you wash your hands), and also inviting people to take good care of themselves in order to create the best possible results for the organization.
Of course, leadership is not just about self-care. It is also about competency and dedication. But if you think about it for a moment, you might not have taken stock of the things that matter and assessed whether or not you fall within your Zone of Genius.
Back to spaceflight.
Non-astronomy fans may realize that the Soviets were actually the first in space. On October 4, 1957, the Sputnik was the first man-made object to orbit the Earth, kickstarting a slew of launches that culminated in the iconc first manned mission to the moon on July 20, 1969.
The reason I bring this up is because the iconic image of a rocket taking off and attempting to break something known as escape velocity on the way out of orbit. As leaders, most of us would love to achieve greater heights and achievements with the organization.
But if you use this as an analogy to leadership success in an organization, remember there is plenty of inertia whenever you try to get something into space. In order to fight gravity, you would need a massively inefficient amount of fuel to leave the Earth. Likewise, organizational culture, mindset and ways of being are often the molecules that prevent you from achieving your best performance.

We know this is not an efficient way, to launch. When you are fighting the natural forces of inertia, you have to have a better way. Rather than focus on the technical escape velocity, you want to make this move based on orbital velocity instead.

This is the usage of forces already available to you in order to create the results that you want. In leadership, the reason why you get really bogged down with work and frustration is because you aren’t able to capitalize on the things that make you powerful, and you end up doing things that make you feel like you are engaging in a pointless task.
In a nutshell… direct methods are often inefficient and expensive. Try to change the organization’s culture directly, and the system will bite back with a vengeance! Indirect methods are far more important and require a passage of time to implement. But if you do it in a planned and programmed manner, you will end up creating the Shawshank effect.
How To Find Your Escape Velocity
Now comes a part where some people on the Internets may get antsy about because you need to follow the logic of this to do what you need. I am suggesting that there are three core variables that influence how we see participate in the world. This is purely from a ‘personal drivers’ perspective based on three questions: do you have energy to do it, do you have skills to do it, and do you have the dedication to keep doing it.

Then you need to have a strategic imperative. To illustrate, maybe your business is focused on generating leads and you know this is a strategic imperative. Great. So, based on his imperative, how many of these personal drive factors apply?
Imagine you have energy to do it but you don’t have the skills to do it. Or, imagine you have skills and energy but don’t have the dedication to do it. As you can see, there are three buttons you can push in various combinations on or off. The trick is not to spend too much time understanding these buttons but highlighting your desired outcomes in order to arrive at what you want to do.
Hence, the solution to achieving what you want with your business depends on the tools you can apply to shift your energy, upgrade your competence, and sustain your dedication. These indirect ways will change you, so that the world around you can change.
Once you are able to push these three buttons at the same time, you will arrive at a zone of advancement.
If you are an entrepreneur or leading a team within an entrepreneurial setting, and want to find out what you need to do to engage in the transformation you need, book a call with me and we can have a conversation to help you to arrive at the critical factors that make a difference in creating the transformations that you need within your organization.