Alvin Poh
I speak to quite a number of people due to the nature of my work, and Stuart brings a level of depth, generosity, and precision that is rarely found. For a person who is so astute and wise, he is incredibly down-to-earth. Speaking to him at length, it is clear that it isn’t just a public persona but a deep-rooted belief and pillar of Stuart’s actual self. This is important because when he mentors and advises you, he is able to do so with clarity and perspective. As a result, Stuart has truly been able to harness his abilities and natural talents to do something that other trainers and coaches seldom achieve. I highly recommend anyone who needs a trainer who can help an individual or an organisation to unlock their potential to approach Stuart. It is an unfair advantage to have if Stuart works with you, and you should definitely cherish the opportunity if you are able to have it.
Ex-CEO, Vodien; $30m Exit in 2017

Linda Lamont
Stuart assisted me in the direction of my business. Very quickly, he was able to identify a couple of options that I could focus on that put my business in motion. He listened to my concerns then found solutions that I started to implement immediately. Thank you so much for the feed back and support. I look forward to working with you again.
Lead Generation Expert for Dentists

Thomas Chen
Stuart is a master of his craft and a giver of his knowledge. I invited Stuart to my community to share about Professional Workplace Communication and it was indeed a very enriching and enlightening experience. He systematically shared about what makes us effective at workplace, elements of powerful communication, types of leadership conversations and much more. The strategies and systems he shared are highly applicable and relatable, and anyone can implement them to bring their workplace communication skills to the next level. Knowledgeable, down-to-earth and an amazing speaker overall.
International Coach, Speaker, Wealth Planner

Gareth Poh
Stuart is one of the wisest and knowledgeable person I've ever known. His experience, professionalism and contribution has allowed my time with him in various projects remarkably productive, growth inducing and motivating.
Senior HRBP, OD, L&E Counsel

Darius Tan
The ability to point out root problems within minutes is unmatched for Stuart. I’ve learned from many coaches, but I’ll say he is a life changing gem that 99% hasn’t discovered yet but will make 99% of the difference. I’ve decided to invest into Stuart as my leadership coaches simply because he has previously scaled a company from 7 to 8 figures & he has an experience of working with the great leaders in the world. It’s a no brainer.Those who don’t appreciate his work are those who like the superficial motivational ra ra tactics rather than the deep mastery of psychology.Consulting him has since improved my ability & capability to build systems, gain even more clients, have record breaking business months simply because he has formed a more coherent & deep way of thinking for me to lead my life, team, business & community.
Founder, Strategic Scaling Systems

Eric Mulford
I have been working inside of a group with Stuart Tan for almost a year now. My first contact with him dates back to 2007 or 2008 when I took an NLP course from him. Since working with him I’ve seen him use his skills flawlessly in several situations. He always provides tremendous value to the people he touches. I consider it an honor to work with him, know him and glean from his knowledge.

Mark Joyner
Stuart Tan is one of the most exceptionally gifted coaches I’ve ever met. Frankly, I don’t have much respect for most of the folks who parade themselves as “coaches” these days. Most of them do not have even the basic skills required to coach themselves let alone clients. Stuart is not only qualified, he’s attained a degree of world class mastery that few will ever reach. He’s one of a very small handful of people I trust enough to go to for this type of assistance, and I do so regularly.
Chairman, Construct Zero

Michael Teoh
Stuart has been a great mentor and friend to me, and he delivers amazing value, especially in his consulting and client coaching practices. Stuart pays very deep attention towards helping clients and businesses to understand their limitations and helping them to harness their strengths. He is also highly knowledge-able and very well exposed to the global practices of coaching, consulting and training through the work he has done for many, many renowned clients. I would highly recommend Stuart’s services
Founder, Thriving Talents

Chris Gloss
Stuart approaches coaching with surgical precision. He uncoverssubconscious roadblocks and eradicates limited beliefs. After myfirst session with him, my productivity and clarity increasedsignificantly. I highly recommend Stuart!

Ken McArthur
Stuart Tan is a genius and quality runs through his veins like pure gold. When he speaks, listen and when he does, copy every move. Stuart spells it out for beginners in a way only a master can.
Bestselling Author, The Impact Factor

Jennifer Yarbrough
I had the extreme pleasure of being mentored by Stuart. Withoutquestion my life has been hugely impacted by the coaching,wisdom and thought provoking time with him. If anyone has anopportunity to engage with Stuart I would not hesitate. Gratefuland forever changed.
Nonprofit Expert and Master Coach

Lawrence Lim
One of the most insightful and knowledgeable coaches I have come across. Stuart speaks with authority and conviction. His work is founded on sound knowledge and principles. He brings his points across in a very clear and engaging manner. His seminar was very well-received. Would definitely recommend him to organisations looking to train their management to develop themselves and lead their people to greater heights!
Author, "From Doing To Dreaming

Steven Lock
Three things stand out for me about Stuart – Competence, Character and Congruence. He is not only competent in what he does, he is also extremely generous with his time, advice and knowledge. I have on a few occasions asked him to meet over coffee so that I can pick his brains, and he has never once declined to meet up. I have met many who are highly qualified in their field of work, however I have never met anyone like Stuart, who is not only qualified and competent, but also has a heart of gold. He very graciously wrote a glowing review of my latest book and also spoke at my book launch event earlier this year. A wonderful person to be around with and I’m proud to be associated with him.
Leadership Consultant and Executive Coach

Vivien Tan Psychologist
When I first attended the NLP Practitioner program, I was looking for more powerful therapeutic techniques which produce results. During the program, we get to practice the techniques taught, and in doing so, learned more and more about our own capabilities. This opens my eyes to more possibilities in life. Furthermore, this program helps to enhance my understanding of psychological concepts taught in school and offers me a practical, step-by-step way to better manage my emotional states so that I can achieve my goals in life, faster. Stuart walks his talk. He is generous in his teachings and dedicated towards his students. Stuart helps you to harness more and more of your internal resources to propel you towards your dreams. If you want to accelerate your success or realise your fullest potential, Stuart is the man for you.

Jeremy Lee
Stuart broke down concepts into bite size applications that were easily digestible. He helped me realize that I do indeed have the resources within myself to perform well in any circumstances. More importantly, he helped to clarify my goals and what I needed to do to step further in the direction of my goal.
Business Development Professional

Teh Tian Yan
Stuart taught me NLP. He taught me even more through his example. He's been generous with his feedback whenever I made a new discovery through my practice. I was in a privileged position to learn from a coach who invested in me beyond the confines of a classroom. Over time I've learned to catch patterns and changed them with deliberate practice. I recommend engaging Stuart if you have the opportunity to learn, consult, or train with him.
Data Science Manager

Alan Chung
Stuart is one of the most approachable and sincere mentors I’ve ever had. He shares whatever he knows generously during and after the program. His in-depth understanding of NLP is not just evident in his teaching, but in how he has applied it to his personal and professional life. He’s someone who walks his talk and practices what he teaches everyday. Stuart’s unique style of delivery – packed with humor and stories – has not only helped me to grasp and remember the concepts well, but apply the techniques with ease and confidence. He has this special ability to explain difficult concepts in a manner so simple that anyone can learn and understand NLP. I’m really glad that I’ve found Stuart and came for his NLP certification program. It’s the best investment I’ve made in my life so far.
Education Professional

Chen Meijun
Before I attended the NLP Prac Certification, I was confused and feeling helpless in life. Days passed me by, but I did not know what I was busy about, or what value I was creating to the others around me in life. After the NLP Prac, I was able to slow myself down, observe my own thoughts, and give myself more credit in what I have done, and not just going with the flow/ majority. Stuart is a great approachable mentor who stimulates deeper thinking and I am thankful to have came across his NLP Prac Certification course after meeting him at a CDAC training.
Project Manager

Zai Fadillah
Stuart Tan is the closest you can get similar to Dr Richard Bandler teaching at Apex Institute of NLP Singapore. He strategises, executes, and measures NLP training to educate practitioners about NLP in accordance to The Society of NLP. An Awesome Trainer at heart, a linguist himself, the training draws individual creativity while trainees have fun in learning. After going to local previews of NLP in Singapore, no local trainer in Singapore I have seen as close to Dr Bandler. As much as I was trained by Dr Bandler himself, he is indeed the best trainer in Singapore if not Asia. He draws the best in you…
Real Estate Professional

Johari Sa'ad
I have heard so much about NLP and how it can basically change your outlook in life. To be honest I was a skeptic at first, I saw videos on NLP and thought it was some airy fairy stuffs but I was curious. I then started searching for NLP trainers in Singapore and obviously Stuart’s name came to my mind as I had previously attended his Certified Motivational Coach workshop. I did not register immediately but instead gather feedback from friends who have attended NLP workshops elsewhere and research other NLP trainers in Singapore. After all that search the road leads back to Stuart again as he is the only one who was trained personally by Richard Bandler! To me that is very important as we want to learn directly from the founders of NLP himself and Stuart was the closes for me to pick the brain of Bandler. Like I mentioned earlier, I thought NLP was just some motivational ra-ra kind of workshop which we have seen with other motivational workshops but I was wrong. Stuart was able to engage the participants without having us to jump around and giving hi-5s to one another. What I like most is the practicality of this workshop, which means we could use it to empower us in our everyday life. I know the mind is one of human most powerful resources and with NLP is just takes it to a whole new level. One breakthrough I had is being able to manage my emotion or we call it state. We learn a technique where we are able to be happy for no reason whatsoever and to “switch off” negative self-talk almost instantly. I applied this and instantly saw result when my girlfriend commented that I seem calmer than usual and not so edgy. Another useful technique I learn is rapport building. This is useful for me as a business owner and coach where I am required to build rapport with others. I am now able to understand not only about mirroring but the “type of language” spoken by others. By understanding their language pattern I was able to build instant connection with the person I speak to. I am an introvert and when I begin applying this to my everyday meeting with others I noticed a different in the way I communicated with others. One of the person I met in less than 5 minutes even commented “you seems like a really nice guy”. There are many more useful tools that I picked up during the workshop and I could go on and on. Even though there were many mind boggling tools that Stuart shared, he was able to break it up to us in bite size pieces and allow us to have a deeper understanding of what was being shared. What impressed me about Stuart is his vast knowledge of many other subjects and not only NLP. He was able to give us insights based on his experience and not only stuffs that can be found on Goggle. I definitely urge you to go the NLP Practitioner Certification under Stuart as the return of investment you will get out of it is simply priceless.

Michael Cheney
Stuart’s sharp mind, endless generosity of spirit and outstanding capacity to help others succeed has personally helped me improve as a person and an entrepreneur. Stuart’s reputation preceded him and on a trip to Singapore I was fortunate to spend some time in his company picking his considerable brains and witnessing for myself his amazing capacity to put others’ needs before his own. Stuart is one of the most professional, integrity-full and intelligent business people I have ever encountered and anyone who has the opportunity to work with him, for him or just spend time with him should do so without a moment’s hesitation.

Business Growth Strategist
Stuart is a man with incredible talent of contribution, intellect,business success, and training skill; a rare combination. Stuart is making a profound impact throughout Asia and is expanding his work and contribution on a worldwide basis
Spike Humer

Ron Capps
Stuart is an expert at showing others the potentials of online action to contribute positively to achieve potential social and economic gain. I’ve had the opportunity to meet Stuart in person and to network with Stuart over the past few years and have found him to be a vital component in connecting with and contributing to the Asian Markets. Stuart is a vital alliance for you to link into and work on projects that have the potential to be mutually beneficial and to the community as a whole.

Rachit Dayal
Stuart is a very eloquent trainer who does a fantastic job of empowering his audiences with skills & attitudes. I’ve been a participant and a team member during his trainers, and in both cases, his usage of NLP, humor and audience-focus stands outamong all other trainers I’ve seen.