Aiming for Greatness In Difficult Times

You have a venture and you’re aiming to get to a great start.

Then something happens, and you’re caught off-guard. Your venture tumbles. You’re washed out, in massive debt, and probably stressed as hell, causing further collateral damage to other things around you.

Believe it or not, it’s okay!

It happens to the best of us.

In some moments that I thought would be the best for me, tragically unfortunate things or adverse situations happened to me in my business. While I could not control them, it was definitely a series of moments that led me to see the world differently.

I believe that anyone has the potential to arrive at greatness. But I also know that the focus we have on greatness is not always second nature to us.

It definitely requires:

  • an attitude of learning
  • a strong desire to experiment
  • a willingness to “fail” properly and with low risk
  • a desire for growth.

One thing that you have to remember is that there are always things you cannot control, and always things you can control. It is therefore more important to do things you have control of.

Now, maybe you dislike the thing you have control of. You’ll have to really get down to the truth of the matter: You dislike what you can do, but waste time thinking about what you can’t do? A little unproductive, don’t you think? In the end, what you like or dislike can be reprogrammed utilizing the right tools. Just because you don’t think you can, does not mean that there is no way to achieve it!

So, get your head right.

Difficult times happen to everyone, no matter how successful.

The climb to the apex of the most significant mountain is difficult, indeed. But training your strength, your skills and your ability to manage adverse conditions is already the start of a journey toward greatness.

Keep focused on what you want.

If you honestly do not know how, go learn how.

If you are lacking in discipline, learn to build great habits.

If you are unsure, begin by building self-awareness and become self-assured.

There are many things you can do.

There are many things you are capable of.

Choose those and amplify them into strengths and use that to transform the world.

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See also  How to Build Resilience: Embracing Resilient Mindset Techniques

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